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søndag den 6. september 2015

Too many Years!

Es ist zu lange her, dass ich letztens einen Blogpost gemacht habe...
Es tut mir leid dass ich es so lange vergessen habe!
Es ist sooo vieles passiert die letzten 3 Jahren.
Ich lebe immernoch in Deutschland, es sind schon 4 Jahren her.
Ich habe euch immernoch nicht davon erzählt warum ich hierher gezogen bin, aber ich verspreche euch das kommt eines Tages!
Ich habe in den letzten 3 Jahren so viele Leute kennen gelernt, so viele neue Gesichter, so viele die gekommen sind aber wieder gegangen und so viele die geblieben sind!
Passt immer auf die besten Freundschaften auf die du hast, egal welchen Abstand zwischen euch ist!
Man weiss nie wann man einen guten bzw. besten Freund gebrauchen kann!
Zur Zeit gehe ich noch zur Schule, auf das Gymnasium hier wo ich wohne mit meine Mama und ihre Ehemann die letztes Jahr am 03.04!
Diese Post ist glaube ich die erste die auf Deutsch geschrieben wird, und zu euch die mich nicht kennen und denken mein Deutsch ist nicht das Beste, es tut mir leid, bin noch dabei die Deutsche sprache zu lernen.
Nach 4 Jahren im Ausland wohnen ist nicht das einfachste aber ich tue mein Bestes um die deutsche Sprache zu lernen und sehr gut zu beherrschen.
Mein Heimat, Dänemark habe ich grade den ganzen Sommerferien besucht da ich mir selbst klar werden wollte ob Deutschland wirklich das Land ist wo ich wohnen möchte. Das ist das gute an unserem Welt finde ich, denn mit ein bisschen Anstrengung hast du eigentlich die möglichkeit zu wohnen wo du möchtest, nur nicht jeder ist meine Meinung was auch ok ist, dieses Thema ist ja momentan in den Nachrichten ein beliebtes Thema... Aber genug dazu, möchte hier noch keine Debatte eröffnen.

Ich werde versuchen diese Seite am laufe zu erhalten!

It has been too many years since I wrote my last Blogpost...
Im so sorry about that!
So many things had happened in life the last 3 years.
I'm still living in Germany, it has already been 4 years now.
I still havn't told you the reason why I moved here, but I promise you, someday you'll read a post about it!
The last 3 years, I have met so many new people, seen so many faces, talked to so many people, found new friends lost old friends.
Do always tak care about your friends no matter the distance, and the last time you saw each other, who knows when you are missing them, needing them...
At the moment Im still, going to school here near where Im living with my mother and her husband.
I just got home from a month mostly spent in Denmark, where Im from. I need to be at my other home again see my dad and my siblings and of course all of my friends, I need to find out if I miss Denmark so much that I want to move back there, but to be honest Im not sure where to live, I could be anywhere.
Thats a good thing in our world, if you have the oportunity, you can live where you want to!

I'll try to keep on posting more as much as I can!
*The girl who moved*

lørdag den 30. juni 2012

Loooong ago.

Hello peoples ^__^
OMG it's been month ago since I've been written here the last time ? o__O
I'm soooo SORRY, but at least I've now got something to tell you about *__*
Some sad things and some good xoxo

OK here it comes but just short ;)
1.) I'm single again, but we've remain friends I'm happy about that. Friends were there for us when we needed it, the truth has been told, the complicated situations are gone, and we're just fine now. But he'll always have his place in my heart, he was something special to me, even though it just last for about 4 month. It's all good here in Germany *__*
2.) I've now for the second time this year got an CRAZY suntan, it hurts a bit, but one day it gets brown ! xo
3.) just graduated the first school here in Germany, now the program is called SUMMER VACATION *____*
Iv'e graduated with an fab fab FAB grade, note or what ever it's called ? o__O :D haha
4.) I'm keeping up the contacts with my best from Denmark *___* I miss her allooooot !
but at Thursday  it's time for Denmark AGAIN *__* I'm looking forward for it of course xoxo
5.) Ohh and one last thing xoxo this summer vacation I want to start a project. I want to take pictures for every day in my Vacation, I then pick that one picture that shows the highlight of one day at it shall then tell about every single day (42 days) in my vacation. You'r all welcome to join ^__^ send some links of something that could give inspirations for good pictures !

Keep up the good mood, be happy with the people around you and keep on following my blog *__*

Much LOOOOOVE for everybody ^__^

*The girl who moved*

fredag den 13. april 2012

Home again !

Yaaiiii I'm home again in Germany xoxo
On a Friday the 13 my plain didn't crash down *_*

Many says that it means bad luck, when your doing something on a Friday the 13
I think this was a sign for everyone that Friday the 13 isn't a day that means "Bad luck"
Besides that, my mom was born on a Friday the 13 xoxo
So it just have to mean that every Friday the 13, is a lucky day xoxo
But enough about Friday the 13 !

I can't remember now, if I had been telling you guys about most of the things I've done in Denmark ?
Then you just get it all together in the next post xO

Have a great time people !
Love on ya'll who's following my blog xoxo

*The girl who moved*

onsdag den 11. april 2012

In Denmark again ! *___*

Peoples I'm Denmark !!!!!
Uiiii Its soooo NICE to be here again !! xoxo
But somehow also kinda weird ? :((
Denmark is starting to feel like an other place or something something like that  ...
WHY ??
But otherwise its nice to be here again ! xoxo
I've loved to see all my friends and family again, or actually most of them xoxo
In this moment I'm by one of my sweetest friends I've got here in Denmark, it was nice to spend a day with her xo
Today I've visit my old class today, been with my friend on a "date" out, till about 3 hours ago *-* It was nice *__* We've got long talks like in old times <3
Tomorrow its my last real 24 hours day here in Denmark.
I'm going out with my sister and her boyfriend, looking for a new couch for their new apartment.
After that with my kinda like twin from 2900 Hellerup. You can always have a great time with her xoxo
After that I'm hoping for being with my best friend, just to see her before I leave. Might sleepover by her *-*
Loove on ya'll
See ya soon !
And sorry I didn't post that much lately.

*The girl who moved*  

onsdag den 7. marts 2012

Constant listening to this music xoxo

OMG I got hooked on a few tracks that i'm listening to every day at least 100 times xoxo
Or maybee not ? haha

But here they come:
Not quite in a rangfolg, but its my top 5 xoxo

Can you feel that I'm in love ? xoxo HAHA

*The girl who moved*

28. January 2012.

This is something I would looove to share with you guys.

Ok it's acctually just about my happines and so, but when you knows how it is to be in love, you would understand xoxo Do you know how it is ? xD

As maybee most of you know, I'm in love with this sweet guy. Marcel xoxo

On January 28th, we got in a relationship xD Finally some said.
Yeah it was as normal as by many other people, it happens, and both are happy.
Really I am !!!
It just feel so good, but sometimes not that much different than before. It will come with the time xp

Hope everybody else out there are happy, or will be happy some day. It all comes to you someday, don't give anything, you want, up xD

Love on ya'll ♥
*The girl who moved*

Favorit pictures -/- Long time ago.

Heej everyone.
Sorry , It's been such a long time since I've wrote. :(((

But in the next posts I'll made you would short get to know some of the important days thats happend in that time I've been "gone" :)

But at first I want to share my favorit pictures with you guys. Made by me ;)


Hope you all can see it, and like my pictures *-*

Leave a comment, like it, hate it, love it.

*The girl who moved*