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lørdag den 30. juni 2012

Loooong ago.

Hello peoples ^__^
OMG it's been month ago since I've been written here the last time ? o__O
I'm soooo SORRY, but at least I've now got something to tell you about *__*
Some sad things and some good xoxo

OK here it comes but just short ;)
1.) I'm single again, but we've remain friends I'm happy about that. Friends were there for us when we needed it, the truth has been told, the complicated situations are gone, and we're just fine now. But he'll always have his place in my heart, he was something special to me, even though it just last for about 4 month. It's all good here in Germany *__*
2.) I've now for the second time this year got an CRAZY suntan, it hurts a bit, but one day it gets brown ! xo
3.) just graduated the first school here in Germany, now the program is called SUMMER VACATION *____*
Iv'e graduated with an fab fab FAB grade, note or what ever it's called ? o__O :D haha
4.) I'm keeping up the contacts with my best from Denmark *___* I miss her allooooot !
but at Thursday  it's time for Denmark AGAIN *__* I'm looking forward for it of course xoxo
5.) Ohh and one last thing xoxo this summer vacation I want to start a project. I want to take pictures for every day in my Vacation, I then pick that one picture that shows the highlight of one day at it shall then tell about every single day (42 days) in my vacation. You'r all welcome to join ^__^ send some links of something that could give inspirations for good pictures !

Keep up the good mood, be happy with the people around you and keep on following my blog *__*

Much LOOOOOVE for everybody ^__^

*The girl who moved*

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