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mandag den 16. januar 2012

The Ball

Heej Guys !!

Just wanted short to share my ball at friday night with you guys ! xoxo
- And the problems with that dress -

It was really a great night, had a great time with friends and all, even though, the sweet one couldn't be there that much :/ hehe
made plenty of pictures, and everybody looked so pretty that night xoxo

here comes some of them:
Those sweet girls I spend my night with


The winners of the night xoxo

Sadly there was this last thing I missed by my side ! :/
My best friend from DK Sofie ! I would've loved to be having her 'round me that night. But she was in my thoughts most of time, and she got most of the story the day after. Looking forward to see her again maybe in week 7 xoxo <3

Now to the dress:
Monday last week (09.01.12) I bought my dress for Friday night over the internet, it said that it would be there Wednesday, but it didn't came -.-
I waited for Thursday, again it didn't came. So i decided directly after school Friday, to go out with my mum, get the best dress i could find in an hour and I got it. Haha my mum said at the way home "You've got 3 good choices, but you took the cheapest for the moneys save." Or something like that. Haha xoxo
But I got a great dress was happy 'bout my self in that dress and I had a great time with great friends and even the sweet one was there at the beginning !


*The girl who moved*

P.s. the dress from the internet, still hasn't got here xoxo

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