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tirsdag den 24. januar 2012

In school xoxo

Heej everyone.

This will be short xD
'cause at the moment, I'm in school xD
With those sweet 10th classes and our teacher  xD
Caro, Lena and the guys.
Acctually I'm in 9th classes, but these two weeks my class and the other 9th classes are on their praktic
and I'm now in 10th, for learning German xD
It's acctually going quiet well.
But need to go now.
See ya'll later tonight maybe xoxo
♥*The girl who moved*

søndag den 22. januar 2012

Great night ! ♥

Heej Everyone ! xoxo

Had a great night yesterday *-*
at what we call "Fastnacht" party xoxo

 with these 2 lovely freaks ! :*

I can tell you guys, that night was a dream xD
We were together almost all night, and a place between 23 and midnight I cave him our first kiss *-* (to that sweet one)
Maybe some of you know the feeling, when you've got it one time, you want it again. xoxo

Being in love is like being on drugs ! Haha

How was you'r Saturday night ?

Kisses on ya'll :*

*The girl who moved* 

torsdag den 19. januar 2012

Leopard make-up ♥

Heej everyone ! xoxo

Earlier today I had my little fun with my make-up..

About 2 days ago I saw this video from GGF (Give good face) about another work from Jordan Liberty and got inspired to make this xD

And of course Jordan Liberty's eye looks better than mine xoxo

Yeah, my doesn't look that proof as Jordan Liberty's yet but it was my first try.. xoxo

I'll try to write step for step how I did maybe a bit easier way to do.

1. You chose which color to use for eye shadow (I chose a color between brown and gold, I think it match to my hair.) xoxo
2. I put the lightest tone at first, all up to my eyebrow.  
3. Made it darker and darker and the line smaller and smaller. So the closer you get to your eyeball the darker the colors get.
4. I took a liquid eyeliner to line my upper lash line. Just as normal give it a little wush. xD haha
5. I'll put that much mascara I want. (Be careful not to daub on your already made eye shadow)
6. Again I used my liquid eyeliner to make the leopard spots. Of course you can also use a liner pen. xD
7. Under my eyebrow, I made most of the biggest spots, and about the line to my nose, I tried to make them a bit smaller.

Feel free to give it a try, and response me how it worked.

*The girl who moved* 

P.s. sorry for my bad English in this post xoxo

mandag den 16. januar 2012

The Ball

Heej Guys !!

Just wanted short to share my ball at friday night with you guys ! xoxo
- And the problems with that dress -

It was really a great night, had a great time with friends and all, even though, the sweet one couldn't be there that much :/ hehe
made plenty of pictures, and everybody looked so pretty that night xoxo

here comes some of them:
Those sweet girls I spend my night with


The winners of the night xoxo

Sadly there was this last thing I missed by my side ! :/
My best friend from DK Sofie ! I would've loved to be having her 'round me that night. But she was in my thoughts most of time, and she got most of the story the day after. Looking forward to see her again maybe in week 7 xoxo <3

Now to the dress:
Monday last week (09.01.12) I bought my dress for Friday night over the internet, it said that it would be there Wednesday, but it didn't came -.-
I waited for Thursday, again it didn't came. So i decided directly after school Friday, to go out with my mum, get the best dress i could find in an hour and I got it. Haha my mum said at the way home "You've got 3 good choices, but you took the cheapest for the moneys save." Or something like that. Haha xoxo
But I got a great dress was happy 'bout my self in that dress and I had a great time with great friends and even the sweet one was there at the beginning !


*The girl who moved*

P.s. the dress from the internet, still hasn't got here xoxo

torsdag den 12. januar 2012

2012 until now !

OMG ...
Until now the year of 2012 don't seem like to be the year of love -.-
Feel so sorry (for someone glad) that friends and otheres they've lost their boy- girlfriend :/
But people ! Keep up the Happiness ! You guys still have a wonderful life coming up ! xoxo

The year 2012 has just begun :*:*

*The girl who moved*

Do you know the people around you ?

Which people in life can you trust ?
Is there any at all ?
I would say ... NO

There ain't any human being at all that you can trust 100 % maybe not even your self ..
I think it 'cause of that we are wishing, hoping to much from each other, and believing to fast, without even to go the facts through ..

But who would even like to know another person that well ?
Who want to know their darkest sides ?
When they're not even knowing their exist ?? ..

So many questions, so many confuses and we're still get healthy through life !

*The girl who moved* 

søndag den 8. januar 2012

Am I hopeless ? :/

Sitting with him
You'r thinking 'bout so many different things you wish you would+could do ..
But what's holding you back ?
Sitting there all silence, and can't get it out.
And you'r starting you'r own conversation in you'r head ...
"What the **** is wrong with me ?"

Why can such a simple thing be so god damn difficult ?
Does any of you guys know the feeling ?
Or am I just a hopeless girl ? :/

Haha it will soon be better ! I know it xD
Just gotta wait for that real moment 

*The girl who moved*

lørdag den 7. januar 2012

I think I'm in love ♥

Heej Everyone

Just something les new xD
I think I'm in love ♥♥♥ :* Haha
Can't get enough of love songs and 'bout thinking of him ! 

*The girl who moved* 

The room that soon will be done ! xo.xo

Heej Everyone

I've just been home all day, texting that one sweet boy from here x) here my new country xoxo
Moving a little 'round in my room (that isn't done yet) cleaning it up and just some more chilling with my music and camera x)

-Pictures from today-

 Me killing those papers mum doesn't need xD 

The last moving box standing in my room xO xO
Not 'bout to emptying it, just filling it with some stuff I don't need xD

Now I'm just looking forward for Tomorrow, for spending time with that sweet one ! ♥♥♥ :*

*The girl who moved*