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onsdag den 7. marts 2012

Constant listening to this music xoxo

OMG I got hooked on a few tracks that i'm listening to every day at least 100 times xoxo
Or maybee not ? haha

But here they come:
Not quite in a rangfolg, but its my top 5 xoxo

Can you feel that I'm in love ? xoxo HAHA

*The girl who moved*

28. January 2012.

This is something I would looove to share with you guys.

Ok it's acctually just about my happines and so, but when you knows how it is to be in love, you would understand xoxo Do you know how it is ? xD

As maybee most of you know, I'm in love with this sweet guy. Marcel xoxo

On January 28th, we got in a relationship xD Finally some said.
Yeah it was as normal as by many other people, it happens, and both are happy.
Really I am !!!
It just feel so good, but sometimes not that much different than before. It will come with the time xp

Hope everybody else out there are happy, or will be happy some day. It all comes to you someday, don't give anything, you want, up xD

Love on ya'll ♥
*The girl who moved*

Favorit pictures -/- Long time ago.

Heej everyone.
Sorry , It's been such a long time since I've wrote. :(((

But in the next posts I'll made you would short get to know some of the important days thats happend in that time I've been "gone" :)

But at first I want to share my favorit pictures with you guys. Made by me ;)


Hope you all can see it, and like my pictures *-*

Leave a comment, like it, hate it, love it.

*The girl who moved*