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fredag den 13. april 2012

Home again !

Yaaiiii I'm home again in Germany xoxo
On a Friday the 13 my plain didn't crash down *_*

Many says that it means bad luck, when your doing something on a Friday the 13
I think this was a sign for everyone that Friday the 13 isn't a day that means "Bad luck"
Besides that, my mom was born on a Friday the 13 xoxo
So it just have to mean that every Friday the 13, is a lucky day xoxo
But enough about Friday the 13 !

I can't remember now, if I had been telling you guys about most of the things I've done in Denmark ?
Then you just get it all together in the next post xO

Have a great time people !
Love on ya'll who's following my blog xoxo

*The girl who moved*

onsdag den 11. april 2012

In Denmark again ! *___*

Peoples I'm Denmark !!!!!
Uiiii Its soooo NICE to be here again !! xoxo
But somehow also kinda weird ? :((
Denmark is starting to feel like an other place or something something like that  ...
WHY ??
But otherwise its nice to be here again ! xoxo
I've loved to see all my friends and family again, or actually most of them xoxo
In this moment I'm by one of my sweetest friends I've got here in Denmark, it was nice to spend a day with her xo
Today I've visit my old class today, been with my friend on a "date" out, till about 3 hours ago *-* It was nice *__* We've got long talks like in old times <3
Tomorrow its my last real 24 hours day here in Denmark.
I'm going out with my sister and her boyfriend, looking for a new couch for their new apartment.
After that with my kinda like twin from 2900 Hellerup. You can always have a great time with her xoxo
After that I'm hoping for being with my best friend, just to see her before I leave. Might sleepover by her *-*
Loove on ya'll
See ya soon !
And sorry I didn't post that much lately.

*The girl who moved*