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fredag den 16. december 2011

Chilling !! :)

Heeej everyone ! :)

Another day have gone, another Friday evening has begone ! :)

Now I'm just chilling at home alone, watching "The tourist" :)
The film is actually quite good, or that I've seen until now
But I don't think that Angelina Jolie is that good at her British accent, like her better with the Amerikan ;)

Meanwhile I'm watsching this movie, I'm chatting with those sweet new friends here in Germany :)
And just now I've realised how much they actually here are walking with the danish brand product "Humör"
I think its cool :)
Maybee it says that the Germans like those things that's from Denmark ? :) Haha

But I'll go back to my movie and friends, hoping you guys will have a nice time the rest of the evening ;)
See ya'll soon ! :D

Julie ♥

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