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lørdag den 31. december 2011

Sh*tt* day !

What a shitty day I've had !
Or okay. Not all the day, but it seems like most of my days only wanna end up as a shitty day :/
Gosh I hate it !!

And sorry to all those people who doesn't have the luck when they are talking / writing to me.
I'm just pissed -.-

In school today everything was funny, had a great time, a little stress, but that went ok.
Thought it would go on, with this happy good day, even though it was raining :)

But noooooo. Then it all just had to **** with me -.-
Hope it'll be better.

Some times people just have their shitty days, and today was mine !

P.s. this is a post I've forgotten to click "enter" on
P.p.s. there will come some few others which doesn't match to this date, only just because I want to tell you guys about what have been going on lately, since I haven't wrote lately xD

The girl who moved.

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