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mandag den 10. oktober 2011

On English.

Heey everyone..
It's been a while since I wrote here, and I'm sorry for that.
And as you can see, I'm not writing on Danish anymore, and if you wonder why ?. 1. It takes to much time writing this in two language. 2 Almost everyone understand English. (;
This time you wont get a descripsion of what I have been up to what I've done and so on, cause it's a little to loooong :P hehe But to make the long story short..
I'm ok, I can get through every day, and feel okay. Some days is of course better than other, but that's life.
In Germany I've started on the new school, I've got many new friends, they are really GREAT !
and I already know who I cant be friends with who I can't stand, those I can't trust. (:
I've also started Dancing again, started in a new dance crew, with nice people.
My days in Germany are just surrounded by nice and sweet people.
But of course the school in Germany is a bit more difficult than the school in Denmark, but one day it will all be okay, I just need the patience to wait and the will to get through this.

Thx for reading my blog ! <3
P.s. In the future, I don't think I will write here as was it an open diary, where you can read what I'm doing day after day / week after week, but you will here more about my thoughts day after day / week after week. (:
Don't quite know if I have wrote that before :)


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