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lørdag den 31. december 2011

The last 2 weeks.

Heej Everyone :)

At this last eve of the year I quick wanna tell you guys 'bout what have happened these last 2 weeks xD

Tuesday at 'bout 20:30 we were home again from the airport :)
Wednesday my siblings and me, went to school, my siblings only for visiting my new school here in Germany :) It wen't well, and my sister and I of course made our showoff :P
I can only say "OMG" It was the most fab. birthday I've had !! :D It was so Amazing I was SO Happy the whole day :) Had amazing presents, great food and everyone was happy around me :)
Later at the night my siblings and I wen't to my dance schools Disco night. Ohh and It was Great there, many new friends came running to me jumped into me, gave me many of B-day hugs and I got some more presents from them :) They are so SWEET here in Germany !! :) And I've also got the SWEETIES present from a cute boy here around.
Like the feeling to be in love again / having a crush !! 
My Christmas day was also lovely ! xD
Got some more nice present, all of my present this year was those from my list :P Hæhæææ
And got the lovely danish tradition Christmas food :)
and so on the last few days went with family and a LOT of FOOD :P
Wednesday I was with this cute boy again :) and we had a Nice day ! xD

More nice days went and Today it's the last day of the year and I wanna spent it with my Family !

Wishing you guys a Happy new year and take care of your self !!

Good night see ya next year ! <3 :*

*The Girl who moved*

Countdown !

Heej Everyone !!
(Another to late post - should have been there 20.12.11)

Another day is gone another day has come ! :P Haha
And I just wanted to share my day (again) with you guys xD

This whole day today have just been about a countdown, and it isn't over yet :)
The whole day I've thought about how many hours and minutes there's left until my Brother and Sister come to visit xD
I remember when school was over, I said the whole time "7 hours, 7 hours"
I said it that much so I printed it into my friends head, and they started to end my sentence xD
Haha it was so funny !!

I will end now and meet my siblings at the airport :)

*The girl who moved*

Sh*tt* day !

What a shitty day I've had !
Or okay. Not all the day, but it seems like most of my days only wanna end up as a shitty day :/
Gosh I hate it !!

And sorry to all those people who doesn't have the luck when they are talking / writing to me.
I'm just pissed -.-

In school today everything was funny, had a great time, a little stress, but that went ok.
Thought it would go on, with this happy good day, even though it was raining :)

But noooooo. Then it all just had to **** with me -.-
Hope it'll be better.

Some times people just have their shitty days, and today was mine !

P.s. this is a post I've forgotten to click "enter" on
P.p.s. there will come some few others which doesn't match to this date, only just because I want to tell you guys about what have been going on lately, since I haven't wrote lately xD

The girl who moved.

fredag den 16. december 2011

Chilling !! :)

Heeej everyone ! :)

Another day have gone, another Friday evening has begone ! :)

Now I'm just chilling at home alone, watching "The tourist" :)
The film is actually quite good, or that I've seen until now
But I don't think that Angelina Jolie is that good at her British accent, like her better with the Amerikan ;)

Meanwhile I'm watsching this movie, I'm chatting with those sweet new friends here in Germany :)
And just now I've realised how much they actually here are walking with the danish brand product "Humör"
I think its cool :)
Maybee it says that the Germans like those things that's from Denmark ? :) Haha

But I'll go back to my movie and friends, hoping you guys will have a nice time the rest of the evening ;)
See ya'll soon ! :D

Julie ♥

lørdag den 12. november 2011

I'm all GOOD ♥

Heej everyone
It's been a loong time ! :) Sorry

I'll short tell you guys 'bout stuff that's happened ..
Hmm actually it's not that much, but some of it is actually kinda NICE ! 

At school in gymnastic, I've started to teach the other girls a bit dance
It's so nice, but some times I think those girl needs respect for people they don't know. I'm like "Give me a chance to fit in" !
Besides that I'm all good !!

I'm getting better and better in school and classes. Found a friend group to hang out with.

And all my dance is still there ! xD
And here I've started more and more with my own choreos, got many inquires for help 'bout making a choreo.
Ohh yeah, and at my school there are sooooo many girls who love dance, so many girls with almost same interest as me. IT'S SO AWESOME ! xD Haha

My life here is like a dream. Sometimes I just can't believe what's happening, what's happened and what will happen or were I am ! Sometimes it's just weird ..

But I'm getting through ! Won't let a little mind breaker take me down..

"I'll be standing, I'll be rising .. And you'll be seeing me here forever!" 

Haha that's a new little quote I've made xD
But See ya soon guys ! Now you know how it's going here in Germany ^^
I'll go early to bed today even though it's Saturday ..
Cause I wanna try get early up tomorrow, and go out dance all day ! ;)

torsdag den 20. oktober 2011


Just having a normal day.
at school, hanging with friends, learning a thing or 2, listening to music, dancing around, surfing on the internet ...
and falling over the looooove of my life ..  ♥
... SHOES !!! ♥

- These lovely Isabel Marant sneakers -

and of course, VANS ♥

Can't get enough of shoes. I'm obsessed ! $D

But sadly I don't have the money right now ://
So I'll continue to drool over them here x) hehe

Peace ♥ Julie

Nike winter boots ! ♥

Just saw these awesome nike boots !
Here http://www.segsox.com/just-do-it

And as they are writting :
We have always believed that you can’t have trainers and boots in the same footwear and still look stylish.
So we are pleasantly surprised that Nike have somehow managed to make it work with these Winter Solstice boots

Now we are not going to rave and say they are the most beautiful pieces of footwear we have ever seen but we are going
to say we WOULD wear them…. we think??!”>!<>!??
for £65.34

OMG, that's what I call good job ! <3 

If I had the money I would go buy them xD
What 'bout you ? x)


onsdag den 12. oktober 2011

I'm only RISING !

You can take everything I have,
You can brake everything I am,
like I'm made of glass
like I'm made of paper.

Go and try to tear me down,
I will be rising from the ground.

                                                                                                                   Skyscraper : By Demi Lovato

I'm tired of hearing all those lies, tired of HATERS, they can say what they want, I don't give a shit !
As long as I know the truth, as long as I'll be strong, as long as I'll be standing on my feet, so long can you try to tear me down. You should only know, I have my friends, my family, my everything, to stand by me and forever they will be there, and forever I'll be standing, forever I'll be rising !
I wont be walking in this blood anymore, now you can watch your hands bleed for every lie you tell, you can watch me live my life, and ignore every fake from you ! I won't be listening to your words, won't be listening to the whispers. I'm living my life, with my SWAG with my ATTITUDE, and I know you can't stand it. That's what makes me SMILE.
I'll smile of your weakness, as long as your acting like a child. :*

No one shall tear me down, without consequences, without watching me laughing, without watching me RISING !!

mandag den 10. oktober 2011

Is this a misunderstanding or is it weird love ?

Heey everyone
here I am again !
Just so you all know, I'm I Denmark again !
But as said in my last posts, I won't be writing 'bout what I'm doing, what my days is about, and so on. (:

Do you guys know the feeling, of not knowing where you belong ? if your choices are right or wrong ? Or is it just me who's thinking to much ?

I think I sometimes need someone to talk to, but I don't know who, maybe that's why I'm writing some of the stuff in here. (:

I think I need to talk to someone I don't know, someone who don't know the people around me ? Would that be easier ?

Your might be thinking it right now ? "Girl.. Your thinking to much".
But sometimes I just can't help it. Everything is going around inside my head right now !

There was this time, this day where I met this guy, it wasn't something special, just as normal as when your meeting lots of other peoples. But after a while, we started writing with each other, we started talk with each other, and I started feeling like I've got a friend, a new friend I can trust, a friend I can tell my stories to, a friend to share things with.
But I think there's happened a misunderstanding. About something this guy have heard from one of those who's the closest to me, have may been giving him some wrong thoughts, may have told him something that he took serious, but was meant as a joke..

But somehow, he now seems more interested in the person who's one of my closest here from Denmark, it sounds like he wanna know more 'bout what my closest is, how she's doing, if she's feeling well and so on.
Why does it bother me that much, when all I just wanted from him was to keep our good friendship, or good talks together, and could never dream about starting a relationship as he's now thinking. I won't lose what we've just got, I won't lose this good friendship, that might could be helping me through the bad times at my new home.

How can such misunderstanding happen ?
Am I nuts ? Is this at all a misunderstanding or is it becoming weird love ?


On English.

Heey everyone..
It's been a while since I wrote here, and I'm sorry for that.
And as you can see, I'm not writing on Danish anymore, and if you wonder why ?. 1. It takes to much time writing this in two language. 2 Almost everyone understand English. (;
This time you wont get a descripsion of what I have been up to what I've done and so on, cause it's a little to loooong :P hehe But to make the long story short..
I'm ok, I can get through every day, and feel okay. Some days is of course better than other, but that's life.
In Germany I've started on the new school, I've got many new friends, they are really GREAT !
and I already know who I cant be friends with who I can't stand, those I can't trust. (:
I've also started Dancing again, started in a new dance crew, with nice people.
My days in Germany are just surrounded by nice and sweet people.
But of course the school in Germany is a bit more difficult than the school in Denmark, but one day it will all be okay, I just need the patience to wait and the will to get through this.

Thx for reading my blog ! <3
P.s. In the future, I don't think I will write here as was it an open diary, where you can read what I'm doing day after day / week after week, but you will here more about my thoughts day after day / week after week. (:
Don't quite know if I have wrote that before :)


mandag den 1. august 2011

Ugen der gik.

Hej alle.
Nu er jeg landet i Tyskland som værende ny borger.
Vil fortælle hurtigt om ugen der gik :D
Lørdag for lidt over en uge siden kom det vel ud til de fleste at jeg skulle flytte til tyskland.
Samme aften fik jeg ringet til min dejlige bedste veninde og fik derved aftalt at vi skulle tilbringe en hel dag sammen :)
Ellers fik jeg sagt farvel til ihvertfald de fleste fra hjembyen, det var aligevel dejligt at få set nogen inden man flyttede.
Søndag tirsdag og torsdag var nogen herlige dage. Kommer virkelig til at savne dem fra DK
Savner allerede en del der fra. Men som sagt til de fleste af mine venner, vil det aldrig blive et helt farvel, da vi altid vil holde kontakten ved lige, og få set hinanden i ferierne :D
Men nogen aftner ligger man der og ønsker sig venner og familie kunne være her. Men det skal nok gå godt, hvis jeg virkelig ønsker det.
Fredag kørte mor og jeg tideligt morgen, og ankom hjemme i Tyskland kl. 8 aften. Næsten 12 timers kørsel !
Lørdag+Søndag har man endelig fået pakket første kasse + kuffert ud, men mere kan der heller ikke pakkes ud, før huset er færdigt.
Idag mandag, har mor og jeg kørt det meste af Alzey tynd :P Nahahaaa
Bare for at jeg kan blive skrevet ind som værende boende i Tyskland nu. Eller hvad man skal sige.
Fået en snak med rektor for det kommende gym jeg skal gå på, kørt tilbage, for så at få en snak med sekretær eller rektor, (fik jeg ikke fat i) hvor jeg nu er blevet sat som elev.
Glæder mig lidt til at starte :D
Som slut på en herlig sommerdag var mor og jeg ud og cykle en laaang tur, og lidt senere ude og gå den daglige tur med Bessie (Hund)
Der kommer nok senere billeder fra dagen idag, men ellers skriv en kommentar under eller på min facebook væg :)

Hello everyone.
Now, I'm landed in Germany as a new citizen.
Will tell you quickly how the week went :D

Saturday for a little over a week since it came out well for most of my friends that I should move to Germany.

That evening I had phoned my lovely best friend and we agreed that we would spend a whole day together :)
Otherwise, I said goodbye to most from my hometown, it was anyway nice to have seen someone before I moved.
Sunday Tuesday and Thursday was some glorious days. But I'll really miss them from DK
Miss already a part from there. But as said for most of my friends, it will never be an entirely good-bye because we will always keep in touch and get to see each other during the holidays :D
But some nights, I wish that my friends and family could be here. But it shall all go well when I want it to.
Mom and I drove early on Friday morning, and arrived home in Germany at. 8 PM. Almost 12 hours of driving!
Saturday + Sunday has finally first box been unpacked, and suitcase aswell, but more can not be unpacked until the house is finished.
Today Monday, My mother and I ran most of Alzey thin :P Nahahaaa
Just so that I can be written as living in Germany now. Or what to say.
Spoke with the rector for the next gym I must go on, drove back home, and got a talk with the secretary or principal, (I did not get hold of) for the school, where I now have been set as a student.
Looking forward a little to start :D

As the end of a glorious summer day was mom and I out on our bike and ride a looong trip, and a little later, after some dinner , we went out for the daily walk with Bessie (The dog)
There will soon be some pictures from the day today, but otherwise write a comment below or on my facebook wall :)

søndag den 24. juli 2011

Lidt nyt.

Hej Alle.

Dette er mit første indlæg på min side, vil gøre det kort i starten med lille forklaring af hvornår og hvordan og hvorfor jeg vil bruge denne blog.

Hvorfor ?.. Grunden til jeg starter på blogging er at jeg i denne uge flytter til Tyskland, og blogging ville være en måde for mine venner her i DK at kunne følge med i hvad jeg laver i Tyskland, da mange af dem har ønsket at jeg på en eller anden måde skulle kunne fortælle dem hvordan jeg har det, og fortælle om hvad jeg oplever.

Hvordan ?.. Måde jeg vil benytte mig af blogging på, er vel ret simple. Gøre som alle andre, skrive ind og lave massere af indlæg så tit som muligt. Det vil blive herfra jeg fortæller om de nye ting jeg oplever, det jeg får crush på lige i øjeblikket, det er her jeg fortæller nogen af de ting jeg ellers vil snakke med vennerne om derhjemme. :)

Hvornår jeg blogger ?.. Jeg regner med at der ihvertfald kommer et nyt indlæg ud mindst 1 gang om ugen. (Nok i weekenderne) hvor jeg så fortæller om ugens forløb eller det nye chrush. Osv... :D

Håber mange vil benytte sig af at læse min blog, ihvertfald vennerne. :) Ellers er dette bare for hyggens skyld for mig selv. :D

..Hello Everyone.

This is my first post on my page, I'll keep it short in the beginning with a little explanation of when and how and why I will use this blog.

Why? .. The reason I start blogging is that this week I'll to Germany, and blogging would be a way for my friends here in Denmark to keep up with what I'm doing in Germany, as many of them wanted me on one or otherwise be able to tell them how I feel, and talk about what I experience.

How? .. The way I will avail myself of blogging is probably quite simple.Do like everybody else, write in and make lots of posts as often as possible. It will be here I talk about the new things I experience what I have crush on at the moment, this is where I tell some of the things I otherwise would talk to friends about at home. :)

When I blog? .. I expect that there certainly is a new post out at least 1 time a week. (Probably on weekends) where I talk about this week's course or the new crush. And so on. ... :D

Hope many will start read my blogs, at least friends. :) Otherwisethis is just for fun for myself. 